Increased Fees for Before/After School Care and Summer Programs

2024 Notification of New Rates Flyers (English, Haitian-Creole, & Spanish)

ELC Child Care Assistance Flyer (English, Haitian-Creole, & Spanish)

Fees must be paid in advance online via the FOCUS app. 

BEFORE- SCHOOL CARE – 7:00a.m. – 8:00a.m $6.00 per day to be paid on a monthly basis only.

STORY HOUR – 1:50p.m – 3:05p.m and 3:05p.m to 4:15p.m $6.00 per day to be paid on a monthly basis only.

AFTER-SCHOOL CARE – 1:50p.m- 6:00p.m and 3:05p.m.- 6:00p.m. $12.00 per day to be paid on a monthly basis only.

WEDNESDAY ONLY – 1:50- 3:05 $6.00 per day to be paid on a monthly basis only.