Student Transfer Forms and Procedures for the 2023-2024 School Year
Parent Choice Transfers
Parents interested in a Parent Choice Transfer must complete and submit the Parent Choice Student Transfer Form (FM-3281) to the Principal at the student’s assigned residence school. Upon receiving FM-3281, the student’s assigned residence school shall provide the registering parent a copy of the submitted form to keep for their records. The Parent Choice Transfer Procedures provides guidance on actions to be taken by parents, school staff and school administrators.
Out of County Transfers
Parents who reside outside of Miami-Dade County and wish to request an Out of County Transfer to a Miami-Dade County Public School must complete and submit the Out of County Transfer Form (FM-7707) to the Federal and State Compliance Office, via email, or by fax (305) 883-7544.
Charter School Transfers
Charter Schools must use the Charter School Transfer Form (FM-7281) when processing a student transfer from a Traditional School to a Charter School. Upon receiving FM-7281, the student’s assigned residence school shall provide the registering parent a copy of the submitted form to keep for their records. TheCharter School Transfer Procedures provides guidance on actions to be taken by parents, school staff and school administrators.For additional support regarding Charter School Transfers, please contact Ms. Robin Gooden, Executive Director, Charter School Compliance and Support at
Hope Scholarship Transfers
As per Section 1002.40, Florida Statutes, the Hope Scholarship Program was established to provide a public school student who was subjected to an incident of: battery, harassment, hazing, bullying, kidnapping, physical attack, robbery, sexual offenses, assault, threat or intimidation, fighting at school, or harassment relating to, or as a result of, a school district’s COVID-19 health protocols, an opportunity to transfer to another public school or to request a scholarship for the student to enroll in and attend an eligible private school. The Hope Scholarship Transfer Procedures provides guidance on actions to be taken by region staff, school administrators and parents.
Please visit the Federal and State Compliance Office’s Student Transfers website for information on student transfer options.